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Restorative Yoga & Meditation Workshop

Sweat & Surrender

Restorative Yoga and Meditation Workshop

3:00 — 5:15pm
Saturday, November 21st 3:00 to 5:15pm

As we transition from the warmer months of Summer into the cool, crisp air of Fall & Winter, restore and tune your inner balance to the natural cycle of the seasons. A gentle flow Yoga that restores deep calm and balance, while activating the body's natural ability to generate soothing and comforting heat.

Ideal for all age groups and experience levels, the gentle flow Yoga accompanied with bolsters and blankets, gives way to a relaxing journey of Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation also known as the art of conscious relaxation. Combined together, this 2hr 15min workshop is a perfect balance of motion and mindfulness to embrace the Fall and Winter with restoration and rejuvenation.

Let the natural cycle of seasons bring you balance.

With each changing season there comes not a change in the weather, but an opportunity to take advantage of the natural rhythms of nature. Our mind, body, and spirit are closely integrated with nature, and while we easily forget this, to transition and move with these natural benefits offers great benefits to all aspects of our lives. Moving and changing with the natural flow cycles, unlocks great potential and a higher life condition to allow us to enjoy a greater degree of balance and subtle powers. And this workshop is designed to do just that, to welcome the mind, body, and spirit into he fall cycle of our natural environment.

A gentle yet effective Yoga flow

A Vinyasa yoga is a flowing yoga sequence that connects breath with movement. The emphasis is not only on the individual postures themselves, but also on fluid transition from one posture to the other. This specific style of yoga integrates one of the most beneficial wisdom and benefit of yoga: PRANA. Simply put, Prana is life-force, or, life itself. It cannot be detected or measured because it is all around us. In another sense, prana implies that which is the ‘precursor of’ or ‘prerequisite for’ material life. Being connected, and imbued with Prana is what enables us to live life to it's fullest potential and to manifest a supremacy of life in our day-to-day. Read more about Prana here.

Yoga Nidra Meditation: art of conscious relaxation.

Also known as yogic sleep or sleep with awareness, Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice that is rapidly gaining popularity in the West. It is intended to induce full-body relaxation and a deep meditative state of consciousness. We live in a chronically exhausted, overstimulated world. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of complete relaxation, holistically addressing our physiological, neurological, and subconscious needs.

Enrollment is now OPEN,
but for a very limited number of participants.

Call 201.520.0211 to reserve your registration

Investment: $40

Pre-Register online and reserve your space

Registration: $40

(Payable in person or over the phone with a debit/credit card)

Thank You.

We will contact you at the number provided to complete your registration.